One time I had thought about joining the Oath Keepers and so glad I did not join that they have shown their true colors in Nevada.
How can you be associated with an organization that shows the oath of office:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God
I am a retired veteran and for 28 years I have defended the Constitution of the United States and the Oath Keepers have broken their vows in the case of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.
The courts have ruled against Bundy in due process: One argument is that this process is unconstitutional. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments each contain a Due Process Clause, they Federal Government followed Due Process and the courts have ruled against Mr. Bundy. You can look in each paper and see that Due Process has been applied to personal property for people that have not paid their property tax or mortgage. Simply, Mr. Bundy has not paid a debt, and the court has ruled against him.
They wanted to put women and children on the front lines for blood shed.
They had people with weapons pointed at commissioned law enforcement personnel and innocent bystanders.
They state This will be a long struggle. The BLM and Harry Reid have stated that it is not over. We Oath Keepers plan on being there as long as it takes. Elias Alias, our Editor and Board member, is on his way to the Bundy Ranch today, for an extended stay. He’s 67 years old, and a Vietnam Vet, who still heeds the call of freedom.
They have decided what is right and wrong, but again if they would even follow the US or Nevada Constitution they are in the wrong. What is the call of freedom? I thought we have three branches of government and all are elected except the court system.
I find it amazing to read the comments on articles that people really do not understand the county we live in.
My next post will be to go point by point through their post on Bundy
How can you be associated with an organization that shows the oath of office:
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God
I am a retired veteran and for 28 years I have defended the Constitution of the United States and the Oath Keepers have broken their vows in the case of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.
The courts have ruled against Bundy in due process: One argument is that this process is unconstitutional. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments each contain a Due Process Clause, they Federal Government followed Due Process and the courts have ruled against Mr. Bundy. You can look in each paper and see that Due Process has been applied to personal property for people that have not paid their property tax or mortgage. Simply, Mr. Bundy has not paid a debt, and the court has ruled against him.
They wanted to put women and children on the front lines for blood shed.
They had people with weapons pointed at commissioned law enforcement personnel and innocent bystanders.
They state This will be a long struggle. The BLM and Harry Reid have stated that it is not over. We Oath Keepers plan on being there as long as it takes. Elias Alias, our Editor and Board member, is on his way to the Bundy Ranch today, for an extended stay. He’s 67 years old, and a Vietnam Vet, who still heeds the call of freedom.
They have decided what is right and wrong, but again if they would even follow the US or Nevada Constitution they are in the wrong. What is the call of freedom? I thought we have three branches of government and all are elected except the court system.
I find it amazing to read the comments on articles that people really do not understand the county we live in.
My next post will be to go point by point through their post on Bundy
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